Joining the TPA

Please join us at the next AGM in October; a number of volunteering opportunities will become available. In general all parents can be involved for as often or little as they can. In truth, all contributions are appreciated. 


Current Vacancies - Can you Help?

We have several roles that need filling in order for us to continue with the second hand uniform sales that happen three times a year and generate fantastic income for the TPA.  There is also a one-off job of helping with a review of our annual accounts.  Please have a read through the roles listed below and email if you can help or would like more information.



Uniform Sales Co-ordinator

Second hand uniform sales generate a large amount of income for the TPA (in excess of £8K over the past academic year) and so this is a very important role that we need to fill before Dawn leaves the school next year!  It would be great to get a volunteer who can shadow Dawn for the next sale and learn what needs to be done while she is still here to help and support.


1.  Agree sale dates with school and blazer, sports kit and uniform managers

2. Confirm rooms with Tiffin Site Manager

3. Draft emails to go out to parents and new parents regarding sales and donations

4. Email volunteers to ensure there is sufficient help at sales

5. Attend sales and staff the cash desk, managing £100 sale day float and Sum-up card payments

6. Bank cash takings and ensure TPA treasurer is aware of sale takings

7. Maintain the price lists and signage

8. Email website manager with sale date info 

9. Claim expenses as required from TPA treasurer. 


Uniform Manager

Working alongside the sales co-ordinator, blazer manager and sports kit manager this role involves ensuring all the donated uniform items (i.e. anything that isn’t a blazer or sports kit) are ready for the next sale (sorting and washing where necessary), attending the sale and tidying away the unsold stock. 

Sports Kit Manager

Working alongside the sales co-ordinator, blazer manager and uniform manager this role involves ensuring all the donated sports kit items are ready for the next sale (sorting, de tagging and washing where necessary), attending the sale and tidying away the unsold stock.


Review of Annual Accounts

As our income was over £25k for the first time last year we need a qualified accountant to review the accounts. This is not a complete audit but just a ‘light touch’ review to confirm the accounts are being kept correctly and all income has been accurately accounted for.