Lost & Found Items from School & Grist - 447

[Last updated - 28.02.2025]


After each school day, particularly after sports events, assemblies, or other outdoor activities, staff will collect all left-behind items from classrooms, playgrounds, and sporting grounds. These items will then be transferred to school office then to designated Lost and Found room.


Volunteer parents, on a rotational basis, visit the school once a week (on Fridays). Their role will be to:

  • Sort the lost items.
  • Photograph each item individually.
  • Label each item with identifying details.
  • Uploading the images of the lost items onto the TPA website
  • Regularly updating the page so that parents can check it at their convenience.

Tiffin Trackback is a system for named branded uniform and other lost property. We only rehome named school branded items. If you have lost un-named, branded school uniform, then please send us a message lostandfound@tiffin.kingston.sch.uk and we will see if we have found anything that matches your item.

Water bottles

Sports Bags & Rugby boots

Other Clothing Items - Jackets & Jumpers

Other Items

Branded School Items (Blazers & PE Kit)

As part of our standard school policy, we kindly advise that all your child's school clothing should be labelled according to the guidelines provided by the school. Any unnamed branded school items, such as blazers and PE kits, will be placed directly into the second-hand uniform sale, as it is impossible to identify their owner without a name tag.

Please note that items without a name tag cannot be claimed through Trackback, as they lack proper identification. For example, a labeled item (e.g., Item 6) is assigned a reference number, such as TTB/BS00080, and can be claimed by "Xavier Flambert."

We kindly remind all parents of the importance of labelling their child's clothing, as it is mandatory to prevent disappointment in the event of lost items.


Named Branded School Items

Unnamed Branded School Items

Tiffin Trackback is a system for named branded uniform and other lost property. We only rehome named school branded items. If you have lost un-named, branded school uniform, then please send us a message lostandfound@tiffin.kingston.sch.uk and we will see if we have found anything that matches your item.